The Damned — A Discourse on The Default of Demonstrated Discrimination

Jennifer D. Snow
2 min readSep 26, 2018


We — We are the damned. We are the downtrodden. We are the debased detritus designated by dictatorial despots to become those that dwell in the dark. That decay. That die within the dingy depths of their depravity and our despair.

Despite our deep-seated desire to be docile, it is our duty to demand that we not be dumped like damaged goods down the sewer drains because we dare to dive deep into the developed dichotomy between race and gender, because we deign to develop a bridge and drive the dejected and drown those dreaming of a divide in dreamlessness.

The disproportionate discipline delivered unto those without documentation or identification is deliberate discrimination. The determination of the disadvantaged and discredited is a demonstration of the defibrillation of the denizens denied the depth and disposition of the distinguished, differentiated only by their diplomas or degrees or different skins.

This is no dramatization — those distanced from this depressing descent into darkness must not be endorsed! We must destroy the dynasty! We must demolish the defenses and bring back a dynamic default, for every human deserves dignity.

Drop. The. Domino.

Declare your devotion to the dissolution of the dictatorship. Dissolve, disrupt, and disable the distorted dioramas of daily life. Diffuse the danger — repair the damaged dialect of equity and display our dream!

Dilute the doubt. Dance with the devil. Duel with death.

Dare to discard the diabolical demons of the discordant.

Descend on their dissonance — destroy their decisions to devalue.

Let the demographics of discrimination be defeated. Deleted.

For we are the ones they call derogatory, the degenerate, the defiant, the damned… and we are driving down the disrespect, destroying the despicable who discriminate with delight.

We will be disregarded no longer. We are the proud.

Proud to be out.

Proud to be brown.

Proud to be loud.

And we are not going away.

We dared to drop the domino, and they told us to beware, for here be dragons.

We ARE the dragons, and we are deafening.



Jennifer D. Snow

Sonoma State University BA in English. Emerson College MFA student. Aspiring "People Helper" and lover of language. Personal Legend seeker.